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2018 Summer Program


If you are looking for a fun way to keep up your Chinese skills this summer, join us for “Let's talk News in Chinese”, the 5-week Chinese language reading and discussion summer camp!

While summer is a wonderful time to relax, it is also a great time to reflect and to update, to maintain or to improve your Chinese skills!


Let's read some interesting real stories from China, and speak Chinese with friends.

Time flies when you are having fun!



This program designed to mix students from different levels so they can all benefit from the interactions and conversations.


Regardless of what your current Chinese level is, you are welcome to join the program as long as you have had at least one year of Chinese learning!


By utilizing the resources from the Chinese News story learning website “”, students from all levels will be able to work alongside each other with the reading materials suited to his or her specific level.

For 2 days per week, the group will meet for 1 hour each time. Each lesson will be divided into three major tasks:

  • READING: First, we will start the class by reading short news stories specifically assigned to each individual at his or her level.

  • SPEAKING: Then, the students will be guided to have a conversation with each other to learn about the stories everyone just read.

  • WRITING: Last but not least, the students will be asked to collaborate with each other to create a creative short story using the new vocabulary and sentence patterns appearing in the assigned readings.


$280 for the five-week program

totaling 10 hours of lesson time.

We will meet twice per week for 1 hour each.


Time and Dates

Although the final schedule may change according to the availability of the interested students and their suitable levels, the classes are currently scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays of the following weeks.

The students may select to attend either morning (M), or evening (E) program. 


The morning program will be from 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays,


and the evening program will be from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays;

If you are interested in the lessons but neither of these time work for your schedule, please contact me with your availability and I will coordinate with other interested students to arrange the possible alternative meeting time.

The first session will start on the week of June 5.

Week 1: 6/5, 6/7

Week 2: 6/12, 6/14

Week 3: 6/19, 6/21

Week 4: 6/26, 6/28

Week 5: 7/3, 7/5

The second session will start on July 17

Week 1: 7/17, 7/19

Week 2: 7/24, 7/26

Week 3: 7/31, 8/2

Week 4: 8/7, 8/9

Week 5: 8/14, 8/16

Place and Class Size

The ideal class size would be between 4 and 6 students.


 The classes will be held at my home office at 988 Iowa Ave. West in St. Paul. If the families of group are willing to host the lessons, we may also conduct the lessons at your preferred locations.


If the group exceeds 4 people for each session, the lesson may be conducted in public meeting venues.

Contact Me to Register Today!!


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